President's Message: 4/12/17

Still no decision on a building or a move! Much patience needed; something Committee Chair Warren Ronsheimer, myself and others involved are experiencing.  I assure you that progress is being made and a decision should be forthcoming within a month. 

Each year OLLI members elect Board Officers to guide our organization. We still need to fill the Treasurer or Secretary positions.  These important jobs are not major time commitments, but they are key in terms of determining policy.  Please consider volunteering to help manage our organization!  For more information contact Nominations Chair George Butterfield before April 21 at

Thank you to everyone who responded to our recent request for OLLI financial donations.  We have received approximately $8000 in the last month and over $10,000 for the 2016-17 school year.  In addition to donating for technology or moving, you can donate to increase our endowment which results in growing our annual income; this year we have been very fortunate to receive a large single gift of over $20,000 from a very generous OLLI member. All donations of any size are gratefully accepted. 
To donate you can use the form on page 64 of your OLLI Spring catalog, or go to this link:

 -- Ralph Jaeck, President, OLLI Board of Directors