OLLI Social - Weds, April 11, 10 - 11:30am

How often do you attend an OLLI event and see someone you would like to chat more with, but haven't had the chance?  Wondering how you can get to know OLLI members who may share common interests?  Even though many OLLI participants have been around for a while, wouldn't it be nice to meet some newer members?  NOW is your opportunity to get to know each other better!

Join us for OLLI's first ever Social Event on

Wednesday April 11
from 10 - 11:30am at Moana.

Refreshments will be served!  (Feel free to bring along your favorite treat if you are the nurturing/ entertaining type)

Questions? please contact Dawn Dale at daledmail@gmail.com

Come by and say hello.  We can't wait to see you there!  

OLLI Social Committee

Dawn Dale Barbara Cornell
Patti Chapman Pat LeVezu
Ann Peterson Phyllis Clark